Variable Text

  • Updated

What is the Variable Text feature?

The Variable Text feature allows you to include special codes in your text that are automatically updated with new information after each engraving. It has two parts:

Static text: This stays the same for every engraving.

Dynamic text: This changes automatically after each engraving based on the settings you choose.

Supported Dynamic Text Formats

There are 4 types of Dynamic Text formats:

  • Date
  • Time stamps
  • Serial numbers
  • Txt/Excel

These text formats automatically update for each engraving.

Dynamic Date text

When selected, a date parameter settings panel will automatically appear, allowing you to adjust the parameters as needed.

You can insert the dynamic date text before or after the static text. Simply choose the date format, type and offset, then add it.

dynamic date text format

Dynamic Time text

When you select this option, a time settings panel will open, allowing you to adjust the parameters as needed.

You can insert dynamic time text before or after the static text. Just set the time format, time type, and adjust the minutes, then add it.

dynamic time text format

Dynamic Serial number text

When you select this option, a serial number settings panel will appear, allowing you to adjust the parameters as needed.

You can insert dynamic serial number text before or after the static text. Just set the number format, start value, maximum, increment, marks per cycle, and mode, then add it.

dynamic serial number text format

Dynamic File text

When you select this option, a file settings panel will appear, allowing you to adjust the parameters as needed.

You can insert dynamic file text before or after the static text. Just set the file path, start row, increment, marks per cycle, and separator mode, then add it.

dynamic file text format

Three Variable Text Modes

You can choose from 3 Variable Text modes:

Variable Text

The most common variable text mode, which supports all dynamic text formats

variable text general

Variable QR Code

This mode in the Variable Text feature lets you generate Variable QR Codes, and it supports all dynamic text formats.

dynamic qrcode text format

Variable Barcode

This mode in the Variable Text feature allows you to generate Variable Barcodes, but it does not support dynamic time text formats.

dynamic barcode text format

Dynamic Date & Time Text Formats

Format Description Example
YY Two-digit year (00-99) 24
YYYY Four-digit year (2024) 2024
M Month without leading zero (1-12) 1
MM Two-digit month (01 to 12) 01
MMM Abbreviated month name (e.g. 'Jan' to 'Dec') Jan
MMMM Full month name (e.g. 'January' to 'December') January
D the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31) 1
DD the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31) 01
d Day of the week as a single digit (0-6, Sunday=0) 2
dd the most abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mo' to 'Su'). Uses the system locale to localize the name. Mo
ddd the abbreviated localized day name (e.g. 'Mon' to 'Sun'). Uses the system locale to localize the name. Mon
dddd the long localized day name (e.g. 'Monday' to 'Sunday'). Uses the system locale to localize the name. Monday
H the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23) 0
HH Two-digit hour (00 to 23, 24-hour clock) 00
h Hour without leading zero (1 to 12, 12-hour clock) 1
hh Two-digit hour (01 to 12, 12-hour clock) 01
m Minute without leading zero (0 to 59) 0
mm Two-digit minute (00 to 59) 00
s Second without leading zero (0 to 59) 0
ss Two-digit second (00 to 59) 00
SSS Milliseconds (000 to 999) 000
Z UTC offset eg: UTC±hh UTC±0700
ZZ UTC offset with colon UTC±HHmm UTC±07:00
a am/pm am pm

Tips for Using Variable Text

Tip 1: Adding a Blank Line to Text

Simply press Enter in the text input box to add a blank line.





Tip 2: Reordering Text

For both static and dynamic text, click and drag the text to move it to your desired position.





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